1 Karpik A.P.
2 Tolstikov A.S.
3 Golovin N.N.
4 Tomilov A.S.
5 Krivetsky A.V.
6 Savinov K.N.
7 Rachkov V.D.
8 Boldyrev V.S.
9 Dmitriev A.K.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies


West Siberian Branch of Russian metrological institute of technical physics and radioengineering


Novosibirsk State Technical University

Measurements of the gravitational frequency shift of a hydrogen clock were carried out when it was moved between two points located at different orthometric heights when transmitting the signal simultaneously via radio cable and optical fiber. Based on the obtained values of the average relative difference frequency, that of orthometric heights was calculated depending on the positions of the transported quantum clocks, the average value of which is 43,08 m. The maximum error based on the outcome of four height determinations is 2,58 m and it is 6,3 % of the actual value of 41,26 m. From the analysis of the obtained results, it follows that the main factor affecting the accuracy of altitude definition by the chronometric leveling method is the systematic change in the frequency of the transported quantum clocks. The main contribution to the error budget is made by the RMSD of the transported quantum clocks, which is 1,73 ⸱ 10^(–15)
The research was carried out as part of the R&D project "GEOTECH-Quantum". The fiber-optic transmission system with phase stabilization of the transmitted signal was developed within the framework of Project No. FSUN-2023-0007
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Karpik A.P., 
Tolstikov A.S., 
Golovin N.N., 
Tomilov A.S., 
Krivetsky A.V., 
Savinov K.N., 
Rachkov V.D., 
Boldyrev V.S., 
Dmitriev A.K., 
(2025) Measurements by the method of chronometric leveling through a fiber-optic communication line. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 86(1), pp. 10-20. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2025-1015-1-10-20
Publication History
Received: 02.12.2024
Accepted: 27.01.2025
Published: 20.02.2025



2025 January DOI: