
Koshelev A.V. About the definition of the refractive index of the atmosphere for high-precision geodetic measurements 3-7
Dementiev Yu.V., Kalenitsky A.I. Refinement of the fommlas for calculating the vertical component of the value of gravity of the masses of the spherical or flat layer 7-9
Oleynik A.M., Ustavich G.A. Application of ground reference points with mobile mark for determination of field facilities deformation in the northern latitudes 10-15
Matveev S.I. Role of Geodesy in the modem information society 16-18
Avdeev V.A., Mukhudinov R.S., Radionov V.A., Filatov V.N. About a digital topographic map 19-22
Shekotilov V.G., Lazarev O.E., Schekotilov A.V. Electronic atlas of large-scale maps of XIX century for Tver and adjacent provinces 23-27
Geographic Information Systems
Teslenok S.A., Manukhov V.F. Landscape GIS in physical-geographical zoning of the second order 28-33
Aerophototopography (Aerial Surveying And Photogrammetry)
Kravtsovа V.I., Tyukavina A.Yu. Computer stereoobservations while geographical interpretation of aerospace imageries 34-39
Guzevich S.N. Measurement rules in the projective coordinate system of Euclid 40-45
Marine geodesy and hydrography
Firsov Yu.G., Nikiforov S.E., Menchikov I.V. About geodetic and surveying ensuring of the development of hydrocarbon deposits of Russia 's shelf 46-52
Vedenin Yu.A., Elchaninov A.I. National Atlas of Russia - the latest scientific geographical dictionary 53-56
Kaftan V.I. Geodynamics and modem geodetic measurements (About what have been published) 57-60
Karfidova E.A. To the edition of a book, «Monitoring and protection of urban land» 61-62