ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
Komedchikov N.N. The XXVth International Cartographic Conference and the XVth General Assembly of the International Cartographic Association | 2-7 |
Devyatisilny A.S., Chislov K.A. The model of the positionally corrected astro-inertial navigation system with function of the Earth gravitational field strength evaluating | 8-11 | ||
Sholokhov A.V., Druzhinin I.M. Optimal estimation of points height by the method of mean-square collocation using piecewise-linear terrain model data | 12-15 | ||
Batrakov J.G., Kashirkin Yu.Yu. Disturbed lands survey and calculation of earthwork volume at their recultivation based on modern technology use | 16-20 |
Bozhilina E.A., Ukraintseva N.G. Modern aspects in developing a small-scale applied and landscape mapping of the Russia environment | 20-27 |
Gelman R.N. Does the ground stereophoto survey have any prospects | 28-29 |
Kalenitsky A.I., Kim E.L. The results of the first cycle of field-gravimetric and geodesic measurements on Vyngapurovskiy geodynamic testing ground | 30-35 | ||
Shestakov N.V., Gerasimenko M.D., Okhzono Mako Crustal motion and deformation in the Far East of Russia, caused by the earthquake in Tohoku 11/03/2011 and their impact on GNSS-observations results | 35-43 |
Rusakov Yu.A., Naboka S.V. FGUP “Uralaerogeodeziya” - 60 years | 44-49 |
Serebryakova L.I., Pikalov O.O. Some information about geodynamics for surveyors | 49-55 |
Elchaninov A.I. The name of Miklouho-Maclay on the map of New Guinea | 56-60 |
Karnatsevich I.V. Extreme air temperatures maps in Russia and neighboring countries | 60-62 |