ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
Tolchelnikova S.A. The speed of light and the problem of «definition of simultaneity» | 3-11 | ||
Vinogradov A.V. Calculation of areas at different ellipsoids | 11-15 |
Poshivaylo Ya.G., Chakhlova A.P., Ustavich G.A. The creation of topographic information system for the purposes of engineering structures design in the mountainous conditions | 16-20 | ||
Nolfina M.A. Teoretical aspects in the agricultural atlas mapping | 21-23 | ||
Yablokov V.M., Zavadskaya A.V. Geoinformation modeling of hydrothermal systems temperature fields (on the example of river Geysernaya valley) | 24-31 |
Kurmankozhaev A., Baydauletova G.K., Bastaubaeva D.Zh. Peculiarities of relief morphometric signs in conditions of Kazakhstan different regions | 32-37 |
Rychkov A.V. The methodology for improving land tax collection | 38-46 |
Serebryakova L.I. Tectonics, seismicity and the speed of modern vertical movements of the Earth's crust in the North-West of East-European platform | 47-57 |
Elchaninov A.I. Atlas of history of Ukraine | 57-58 |
75 years to Agaltsova Nadezhda Alexeevna | 59 |
Lazarev Vasisliy Ivanovich | 60 |
Safonov A.Ya., Shumaev K.N. Student scientific conference, dedicated to the 110-th anniversary of G. A. Fedoseev | 61-64 |