ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
Article Title | Pages |
Topographic and geodetic service organization of foreign countriesPobedinskiy G.G., Yablonskiy L.I., Prusakov A.N. | 2-12 |
Database as a basis for "Atlas mammals of Arkhangelsk region"Emelyanova L.G., Bozhilina E.A., Dychkin M.A. | 34-40 |
Geoinformation monitoring of water use in the basin of Lake BaikalBeshentsev A.N., Tsibudeeva D.C. | 41-47 |
Surveying as a holistic scientific system and its revivalSinyanskaya M.L. | 48-52 |
Survey support of Soviet troops in the Great Patriotic war 1941–1945Glushkov V.V. | 53-63 |