1 Kuzin A.A.
2 Sannikova A.P.

National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines)

The article materials are the result of the research the possibility of GIS-application in the study of landslide process. It provides a way to mapping the landslide hazard of zonal quantitative forecast, proposed by K. Gulakyan, V. Kyuntsel, G. Postoyev. Evaluation algorithm of landslide hazard areas based on GIS technologies was proposed. This algorithm has been successfully tested in the study of landslide-prone slopes of the ridge Psekhako (Krasnodarsky district, Russia). The main stages of the study, such as the definition of landslide formation factors and it significance, types of geodetic data for method, the organization of the database for GIS-analysis in ArcGIS, calculations of the main process components, mapping of landslide hazard and evaluating the potency of the proposed algorithm was given in article.
1.   Gulakyan K.A., Kyuntcel' V.V., Postoev G.P. Prognozirovanie opolznevyh processov. M.: Nedra, 1977, 135 p.
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3.   Kuzin A.A. Vydelenie opolzneopasnyh territorij na osnove metodov nejronnyh setej. Zapiski Gornogo instituta, 2013, Vol. 204, pp. 46–52.
4.   Kuzin A.A. Geodezicheskoe obespechenie zonirovaniya territorij po stepeni opasnosti proyavlenij opolznevyh processov na osnove primeneniya GIS-tekhnologij: Dis. na soisk. uch. st. kand. tekhn. nauk. SPb.: Nacional'nyj mineral'no-syr'evoj universitet «Gornyj», 2014, 133 p.
5.   Rekomendacii po kolichestvennoj ocenke ustojchivosti opolznevyh sklonov. PNIIIS, M.: Strojizdat, 1984, 80 p.
Kuzin A.A., 
Sannikova A.P., 
(2016) Estimation method of landslide hazard developing territories based on GIS using geodetic data. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (4), pp. 43–50. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2016-910-4-43-50
Publication History
Received: 01.10.2015
Accepted: 10.02.2016
Published: 20.05.2016


2016 April DOI: