1 Zaitzev V.V.
In order to distribute and use metadata it is reasonable to: 1) complete GOST R 52573–06 with rules of creating standard profiles and publish the conceptual scheme of GOST R 52573–06 in the form of a set of XSD files; 2) consider the technology for designing a geodata-warehouse metadata base with application of both ISO and OpenGIS standards and specifications and OMG; 3) investigate the application of other UML diagrams to designing metadata bases, such as use case diagram project options (UseCase) for describing functional requirements to the system, and the sequence (Sequence) for describing the behavior of the system as a sequence of messages between its elements.
Zaitzev V.V., 
(2013) Standards of metadata and their application in Geoinformatics. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (11), pp. 46-50. (In Russian).