1 Brovko E.A.
2 Sofinov R.E.

Priroda, Research-and-Production Center, FSUE


Scientific-Analytical Center Geoanalysis, Ltd

One of priorities of geodesy and cartography field is modernization of digital (electronic) topographic maps updating system. Their maintenance in an actual state and expeditious information, cartographic providing qualitative and objective spatial data, meeting the needs of economy branches, management of the territory, strengthening defense and national security of the country. The solution of this problem will be provided programmatically by target orientation of the automated information system of the state topographical monitoring (system of GTM) offered for creation the federal one. The system of GTM stipulates the continuous, regulated conducting of topographical monitoring, updating spatial data on a uniform digital (electronic) cartographical basis with use of means and methods of remote sensing the Earth, satellite navigation, geoinformation, telecommunication and web-technologies on the state level. One of the major tasks is solving the problem of automation of generalization of the cartographic image of changes in features of the district on GTM at various scales. In the first part of the publication the methodical and technological aspects of automation of cartographical generalization of data of GTM based on the analysis of a problem, experience of works in this direction and innovative scientific and technical solutions are considered. The finishing part of the publication planned in the following issue of the magazine will be devoted to results of imitating modeling of the stated approaches on the example of the test grounds located in impact areas (sites with high degree of anthropogenic load of environment) of the Russian Federation Arctic zone.
1.   Brovko E.A. (2012) State topographical monitoring: modern solution to actualization problems of spatial data management. Geodezia i Kartografia, 73(2), pp. 38–46.
2.   Brovko E.A., Sofinov R.E. (2012) State topographic monitoring: operational mapping maintenance of country’s business, defense and national security with relevant spatial data. Geodezia i Kartografia, (7), pp. 45-51.
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Brovko E.A., 
Sofinov R.E., 
(2015) State topographical monitoring. The automated generalization of the digital cartographical image. Methodological and technological aspects (part one). Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (11), pp. 20–25. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2015-905-11-20-25
Publication History
Received: 28.09.2015
Accepted: 12.10.2015
Published: 20.12.2015


2015 November DOI: