1 Ganiyeva S.A.
2 Mehdiyev J.T.

Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction

The landslides are among dangerous events, which should be controlled and predicted. The true accounting the possible results of landslides is necessary for objective planning the development of seismic regions and decreasing possibility of innumerable destructions. At present time two empirical methods for estimating shifts due to planar destruction of slopes caused by earthquakes are widely used: the California method and the method of USGS. The critical analysis and comparison of known models allowed revealing the fact of non-conformity of some basic models determining the interrelation of main parameters for registered acceleration of the ground. The new model of vibrations duration interrelation, intensity of Arias and the maximum value of accelerations during the ground vibrations is suggested which makes it possible to reach the identity of known models.
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Ganiyeva S.A., 
Mehdiyev J.T., 
(2015) The questions on modeling of displacements due to landslides occurred upon earthquakes. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (9), pp. 27–31. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2015-903-9-27-31
Publication History
Received: 30.01.2015
Accepted: 31.07.2015
Published: 12.10.2015


2015 September DOI: