1 Kuzmin S.B.
2 Lopatkin D.A.

Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS

The article presents the results of the mapping of geomorphological disasters in Siberia and spent on the basis of this ecological-geomorphological zoning. Zoning have been carried out on: the spatial distribution patterns of the main morphological structures of relief and leaking them geomorphological processes; territorial organization of the economy, which in recent years is changing dramatically due to changes in the whole system of regional industrial relations in the Russian Federation; near-term prospects of social and economic development of certain regions of Siberia and geomorphological disasters that result can be activated or reemerge. Hazardous geomorphological processes are allocated in relation to specific types of nature-using in Siberia, which predominate in the ecological-geomorphological areas currently or planned in the short term (5–10 years). On the basis of ecological and geomorphological specificity of selected units zoning is achieved the possibility of setting specific problem tasks to optimize the ecological state of the relief and the structural organization of the economy, types of nature-using. In the circle of problems solved by the Russian Emergencies Ministry, this investigation direct to improve the state system of emergency management of natural and manmade disasters, modernization of methods of prevention and prediction of natural disasters and catastrophes.
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Kuzmin S.B., 
Lopatkin D.A., 
(2016) Mapping of geomorphological disasters of Siberia. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (4), pp. 26–37. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2016-910-4-26-37
Publication History
Received: 01.10.2015
Accepted: 09.03.2016
Published: 24.05.2016


2016 April DOI: