ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
1. Babenko I.K., Bogatyj S.A. K otobrazheniyu sfery v evklidovo prostranstvo [The mapping of a sphere into a Euclidean space]. Matematicheskie zametki, M.: Nauka, 1989, Vol. 46, 3. pp. 3–8. |
2. Graur A.V. Matematicheskaya kartografiya [Mathematical Cartography]. L.: Izd-vo Leningradskogo un-ta, 1956, 372 p. |
3. Zasov A.V., Postnov K.A. Obshchaya astrofizika: Galaktiki i skopleniya galaktik [General astrophysics: Galaxies and clusters of galaxies]. Fryazino, 2006, 496 p. |
4. Klimishin I.A. Relyativistskaya astronomiya [Relativistic astronomy]. M.: Nauka, 1989, 288 p. |
5. Layzer D. Sozdavaya kartinu Vselennoj [Constructing the Universe]. M.: Mir, 1988, 324 p. |
6. Makeev V.V. Zadacha Knastera o nepreryvnyh otobrazheniyah sfery v evklidovo prostranstvo [The Knaster problem on continuous mappings of a sphere into a Euclidean space]. Issledovaniya po topologii. 6: Zap. nauch. seminarov LOMI, L.: Nauka, 1988, Vol. 167, pp. 169–178. |
7. Pauli V. Teoriya otnositel'nosti [Theory of relativity]. M.: Nauka, 1983, 336 p. |
8. Sazhin M.V. Sovremennaya kosmologiya v populyarnom izlozhenii [Modern cosmology in the popular presentation]. M.: Editorial URSS, 2002, 240 p. |
9. Chernij A.N. Relyativistskaya fizika kosmosa [Theory of relativity]. M.: Nauchnyj mir, 2010, 480 p. |
10. Yang C.T. (1957) On maps from spheres to Euclidean spaces. American Journ. of Mathematics, Volume 79, no. 4, pp. 725–732. |
(2017) The experience of employment of the mathematical cartography methods in cosmology. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(5), pp. 7-16. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-923-5-7-16 |