1 Afonin D.A.
2 Kanashin N.V.
3 Nikitchin A.A.

Petersburg State Transport University

The article describes the experience of controlling a high-altitude geodesic alignment network in the case of the displacement of most of its points by the example of a network for the construction of a bridge across the river. Vere-bushka in the high-speed toll highway Moscow - St. Petersburg. For the case under consideration, the biases of the high-altitude network points were determined based on the use of A. Kostechel’s method and leveling with respect to the subplane areas of the structure. Comparison and analysis of the results are performed, on the basis of which it was concluded that the data obtained by the A. Kostekhel method under the conditions of deformations of most points of the network are inaccurate. To control the high-altitude network in the construction of engineering structures in such conditions, it is proposed to fix additional benchmarks on stable structural elements with the subsequent determination of their marks relative to existing points. In order to ensure the continuity of the altitude system during the construction of the facility, it was suggested, when monitoring a high-altitude network, to use the heights of such frames as initial ones, when known control methods do not give unambiguous results.
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Afonin D.A., 
Kanashin N.V., 
Nikitchin A.A., 
(2017) Control of the leveling network when laying benchmarks on strongly hectic soils. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(8), pp. 20-24. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-926-8-20-24
Publication History
Received: 16.02.2017
Accepted: 21.04.2017
Published: 17.09.2017


2017 August DOI: