1 Niyazgulov U.D.
2 Gebgart A.A.
3 Krestinkov V.G.
4 Niyazgulov F.K.

Russian University of Transportation

The technology of monitoring objects of solid household waste in the Moscow region using the data of space and aerial survey is considered. In order to solve the problem, we used space survey materials obtained from the Worldview-2 satellite (spatial resolution of 1,5 m per pixel) and special aerial filming performed with the help of an Azimuth-2M photo-imaging system based on a hang glider (spatial resolution not coarser than 0,1 m per pixel). On the basis of those materials, digital models of accommodation facilities for solid household wastes and orthophotoplans were obtained, using which a comparative analysis of the state of landfills was performed. The analysis was carried out according to several indicators, including the impact of polygons on the ecological state of the surrounding territories and the cluttering the surrounding territory with waste was determined. It is shown that the use of remote sensing materials enables obtaining the necessary information to monitor the state of solid waste landfills, while performing the minimum amount of field geodetic works.
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Niyazgulov U.D., 
Gebgart A.A., 
Krestinkov V.G., 
Niyazgulov F.K., 
(2018) Monitoring the state of waste disposal facilities using remote sensing data. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 79(11), pp. 47-53. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2018-941-11-47-53