ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
Serdakov L.E., Martin D., Murzincev P.P. Survey and alignment during assembly and installation of the EBS–ESRF | 2-8 | ||
Kalyuzhin V.A., Mazurov B.T., Obidenko V.I. Determining the geographic center based on geoinformation technologies (by the example of lake Baikal) | 9-14 |
Lubenets L.F., Chernykh D.V. Landscape structure of Maima river basin (Russian Altai) | 15-24 | ||
Andryukhina Y.N., Poshivaylo Ya.G., Ananev V. A. Methodical principles of development of tactile map symbology and layout | 25-33 | ||
Kolbovskiy E.J., Klimanova O.A. GIS-modelling and mapping peninsulas land borders (on an example of peninsulas Yamal and Gydansky) | 34-46 |
Niyazgulov U.D., Gebgart A.A., Krestinkov V.G., Niyazgulov F.K. Monitoring the state of waste disposal facilities using remote sensing data | 47-53 |
Devyatisilny A.S., Shurygin A.V. Developing methodology and models of on-board real-time systems for determining surface sea current parameters | 54-60 |
Lelyuhina A.M., Litvinenko М.V., Miklashevskaya O.V. Comparative analysis of the real estate taxation basics in the Russian Federation and foreign countries | 61-64 |