ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
1. Dzhaman V. O., Zayachuk M. D., Zayachuk O. G. Opredelenie geograficheskogo tsentra territorii i otsenka transportno-geograficheskogo polozheniya administrativnyh tsentrov Chernovitskoj oblasti. URL: (accessed: 12.03.2018). |
2. Kaljuzhina L. N., Kaljuzhin V. A., Sachkova A. N. Sopostavlenie sposobov opredeleniya geograficheskogo tsentra territorii. Izv. vuzov. Geodeziya i ajerofotos#jomka, 2015, no. 5/С, pp. 34–38. |
3. Mazurov B. T., Padve V. A. Metod naimen'shih kvadratov (statika, dinamika, modeli s utochnyaemoj strukturoj). Vestnik SGUGiT, 2017, Vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 22–33. |
4. Mendeleev D. I. Poznanie Rossii. Zavetnye mysli. Moskva: Jeksmo, 2008, 688 p. |
5. Obidenko V.I. Razrabotka i issledovanie specializirovannoj programmy dlya opredeleniya metricheskih parametrov territorii Rossijskoj Federacii. Vestn. SGGA, 2012, 3(19). pp. 18–29. |
6. Sevast'yanova S. A. Regional'noe planirovanie razvitiya turizma i gostinichnogo hozyajstva: Ucheb. posobie. Moskva: KNORUS, 2007, 256 p. |
7. Ushakova E. O., Zolotarev I. I., Vdovin S. A. Metodologicheskie osnovy otsenki resursov razvitiya turizma regiona: Monografiya. Novosibirsk: SGGA, 2014, 194 p. |
8. Daley J. New Calculations Reposition the Geographical Center of North America . URL: (accessed: 12.03.2018). |
9. Rogerson P. Where’s your county seat? A modern mathematical method for calculating centers of geography. URL: (accessed: 12.03.2018). |
(2018) Determining the geographic center based on geoinformation technologies (by the example of lake Baikal). Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 79(11), pp. 9-14 . (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2018-941-11-9-14 |