1 Altyntsev M.A.
2 Chernov A.V.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

The authors present the results of theoretical and experimental studies on the use of laser scanning technology for the 3D-modeling of real estate objects in the cadastre. The result of the theoretical part of the research was a set of parameters for 3D modeling of real estate objects influencing the choice of the scanning method (ground, air or mobile), which showed that when creating separate 3D models of real estate objects (buildings, structures, premises and objects of unfinished construction) the method of ground-based laser scanning should be used. Based on the theoretical part, an experiment on 3D-modeling of a typical real estate object (building) was performed on the basis of data obtained with the method of ground- based laser scanning. The model of the real estate object was built with various degrees of detail to demonstrate its accuracy characteristics, depending on the distance from the scanner stations, the use of photographic materials, etc. The results of the experimental part of the studies show that the model obtained is in full conformity with the current requirements of the legislation in the field of cadastre. The proposed solution can be used as a methodological basis for constructing three-dimensional models in the transition of the Russian Federation to a 3D-cadastre system.
The authors are grateful to D. V. Lisitskii, A. P. Huk for their assistance in writing this scientific work, as well as to the management of the SSUGaT for the equipment provided during the execution of the experimental part of the work.
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Altyntsev M.A., 
Chernov A.V., 
(2018) Application of laser scanning technology for modelling real estate objects in 3D cadastre. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 79(9), pp. 52-63. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2018-939-9-52-63
Publication History
Received: 10.05.2018
Accepted: 23.07.2018
Published: 20.10.2018


2018 September DOI: