1 Alekseenko N.A.
2 Koshkarev A.V.
3 Kuramagomedov B.M.
4 Medvedev A.A.

Institute of Geography RAS


Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

Comparative analysis of Russian network resources related to the strictly protected natural areas (ООPТ in Russian) is presented. Examples of geoportals, including inventory and multi-purpose, and of various territorial coverage are given: from the planetary scale to the specific protected areas. The characteristics of their designation, content, and functionality, including the cartographic mapping of data, are presented. One of the advantages of distributing the spatial data and maps on the Internet is the ability to update the content. Conclusions on advantages and disadvantages of the analyzed services are clearly formulated. A significant part of the national geoportals developers uses Open-Source GIS software. Only a few geoportals contain standardized metadata that provides search for resources. Most of them can be categorized exclusively viewing, being just the tools of web mapping. As a result, we can conclude that the existing technological capabilities of the multifunctional geoportals such as components of spatial data infrastructures remain largely unclaimed. In particular, this is due to the problem of the acute deficit of cartographic specialization among the personnel of the protected areas, lack of creative culture and practical use of thematic maps as well as the other persistent shortcomings in the organization of the protected areas and nature conservation, inherited from the “pre-digital” era of its development.
The article is prepared on the topic of the State task № АААА-А19-119022190168-8.
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Alekseenko N.A., 
Koshkarev A.V., 
Kuramagomedov B.M., 
Medvedev A.A., 
(2019) Geoportals of Russian nature’s protected areas. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 80(5), pp. 34-46. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2019-947-5-34-46