1 Brovko E.A.
2 Vereschaka T.V.

Roscartography, JSC


Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)

The authors highlight the results of ongoing research published in [1]. The ways of possible implementation of the state topographic monitoring (STM) as a geographically distributed information system and the basic component, of the Federal spatial data Fund on the one hand and a single electronic cartographic basis that needs constant updating on the other are proposed. The authors describe the documentary sources of state information resources, their advantages and disadvantages. Integration of Sciences and inter-scientific relations in the monitoring system are considered. The directions of priority developments and the results of research are shown. The concept of the electronic map of zoning the territory of Russia in the order of STM with an illustration of its content and functionality is presented. The automated technology of monitoring at its various stages and levels, defined as overview and detailed, is justified. The purpose of each level, their coordination and relationship are highlighted. A new spatial information resource in the form of a digital topographic map-on-duty is proposed. The technological scheme of detailed topographic monitoring is given. The matter of the need to improve the regulatory and technical regulation of STM is raised. In conclusion, the advantages of monitoring to meet the country’s needs for up-to-date geospatial information are emphasized.
1.   Vereschaka T.V., Brovko E.A. (2011) State topographical monitoring (methodology and organization). Geodezia i Kartografia, 72(4), pp. 22–30.
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6.   Federal'nyi fond prostranstvennykh dannykh. URL: https://cgkipd.ru /fsdf/ (accessed: 05.12.2019).
7.   Filatov V.N., Avdeev V.A., Mukhudinov R.S., Radionov V.A. (2008) About the implementation of the advantages of digital technologies in the creation of cartographic products. Geodezia i Kartografia, 69(4), pp. 19–20.
8.   Khalugin E. I., Zhalkovskii E. A., Zhdanov N. D. Tsifrovye karty. Moskva: Nedra, 1992, 416 p.
9.   U.S. Geological Survey. URL: http://www.usgs.gov (accessed: 05.12.2019).
10.   Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG). URL: https://www.bkg.bund.de/EN/Home/home.html (accessed: 05.12.2019).
11.   Ordnance Survey. URL: http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk (accessed: 05.12.2019).
12.   Natural Resources Canada. URL: https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/home (accessed: 05.12.2019).
13.   The National Land Survey of Finland. URL: https://www.maanmittauslaitos.fi/en (accessed: 05.12.2019).
Brovko E.A., 
Vereschaka T.V., 
(2020) State topographic monitoring: geospatial-and-informational potential and ways of implementation. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 81(3), pp. 21-31. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2020-957-3-21-31
Publication History
Received: 10.12.2019
Accepted: 20.02.2019
Published: 20.04.2020


2020 March DOI: