1 Karpik A.P.
2 Obidenko V.I.
3 Pobedinskiy G.G.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies


Academician I. N. Blokhina Nizhny Novgorod Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

The authors present the results of the polls on the needs of the Russian Federation executive authorities (FEA) for spatial data, performed by Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SSUGT) in 2019. The studies were carried out as a part of the Interdepartmental Working Group (IWG) commission focused on improving topographic, geodetic and navigation supporting the state defense system of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly State Duma. The research is based on the results of polling federal executive bodies. The actual information on the need of FEA for spatial data (SD) is given indicating the desired relevance of these SD and the time for them to be received. Some estimates based on the results of the analysis are given with regard to existing and expected requests of FEA on spatial data. Conclusions are made on the need for further improving geospatial support of certain areas of the Russian Federation territory to meet the identified needs of the FEA for that data.
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Karpik A.P., 
Obidenko V.I., 
Pobedinskiy G.G., 
(2021) Research of the need of the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation for spatial data. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 82(2), pp. 49-63. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2021-968-2-49-63