1 Kravets E.A.

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)

The author offers mapping and geoecological analysis of the Russian Federation regions presence in the state program “Environmental Protection”. The unequal distribution of the program’s targets and activities in different regions is revealed. A considerable number of relevant environmental problems for several mentioned regions have not been reflected in the program. It is important to increase the area of specially protected natural areas for a significant number of subjects of the Russian Federation. The status “part of the territory occupied by specially protected natural territories of Federal value in the total area of the subject of the Russian Federation” is recommended to be assigned all regions of Russia. Identification and elimination of objects of accumulated environmental damage that threat to the Volga river is relevant, at least for all the regions in which the Volga flows. Not all regions with a high level of air pollution and/or large masses of air pollutants have the indicator “reduction of total emissions for the reporting year”. It is necessary to increase the Program of measures for the protection of rare and endangered species of plants and to expand the list of regions in which it is planned to protect rare and endangered species of animals.
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Kravets E.A., 
(2020) Geoecological analysis of the Russian Federation regions representation in the state program “Environmental Protection”. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 81(3), pp. 47-53. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2020-957-3-47-53
Publication History
Received: 05.08.2019
Accepted: 14.11.2019
Published: 20.04.2020


2020 March DOI: