1 Karpik A.P.
2 Obidenko V.I.
3 Kosarev N.S.
4 Shendrik N.K.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

The results of studies on the SSC-2011 coordinate base homogeneity carried out in the process of linking a special-purpose geodetic network’s points to this coordinate system are presented. The research consisted of multiple determinations of the differential geodetic stations (DGS) coordinates in GSK-2011 from different types of the coordinate base of this system. In the first version, they were obtained through their binding to the nearest points of the SGN with known coordinates in the SSC-2011. In the second one, the DGS was linked to SSC-2011 by GNSS vectors to four FAGS points. In the third variant, in order to obtain these coordinates in SSC-2011 the reference were four points of the IGS network. The grid coordinates of the DGS determined in GSK-2011 from the FAGS and IGS points coincided within 1,3 cm. Those of the DGS in SSC-2011, from points of the SGN, differ from the ones obtained in the FAGS and IGS by maximum values up to 21,8 cm, 22,2 cm, 27,2 cm in the abscissa, ordinate, and position, respectively. The derived data on the degree of heterogeneity of the SGN in SSC-2011 enable concluding the impracticality of using it as the coordinate basis of this system at carrying out works, requiring positioning accuracy at the level of several centimeters.
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Karpik A.P., 
Obidenko V.I., 
Kosarev N.S., 
Shendrik N.K., 
(2021) Studying the homogeneity of the coordinate base SSC-2011 at arranging a special-purpose geodetic network . Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 82(10), pp. 2-12. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2021-976-10-2-12