1 Belousov S.K.
2 Tikunov V.S.

Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

The authors present a method of joint and separate use of remote sensing data and state statistics to assess the quality of atmospheric air in Russian regions. The simultaneous use of information obtained from various sources and characterizing different aspects of air quality enables assessing the subject of the study better. The emission data was obtained from the State Report “About conditions and protection of the environment in the Russian Federation in 2019”, and that from the AURA/OMI was used to assess the pollutants concentrations. The methodology is based on the aggregation of various pollutants’ emission indicators and their concentration in the atmospheric column into integral indices using Cartesian distances to the worst unit. It is shown that each index separately does not make an objective picture of the air quality. A typological approach was applied to identify the regions similar in terms of the structure of anthropogenic impact on the atmospheric air, as well as to the content of major pollutants. Five typological groups for emissions and six ones for the content of pollutants were identified. The integral air quality index was calculated and the corresponding maps were compiled using heterogeneous data. It is shown that such an approach differentiates the regions much more clearly and makes it possible to draw more accurate conclusions on the quality of the atmospheric air.
The work was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 20-47-01001).
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Belousov S.K., 
Tikunov V.S., 
(2022) Assessment and mapping of atmospheric air quality in Russian regions using Earth remote sensing materials. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 83(10), pp. 29-39. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2022-988-10-29-39
Publication History
Received: 12.07.2022
Accepted: 05.10.2022
Published: 20.11.2022


2022 October DOI: