1 Kovyazin V.F.
2 Pasko O.A.
3 Lepikhina O.Y.
4 Trushnikov V.E.

Saint-Petersburg Mining University


National Open Institute

The use of forest resources in the context of globalized markets and implementing new technologies, enhanced competition and increasing environmental restrictions require reliable information. The method of aerial laser scanning opens up great prospects for the state inventory of forests. It is successfully used in many sectors of the economy, but it has not been worked out for state forest inventory. The purpose of the study is assessing the possibility of using aerial laser scanning within the framework of current regulations. The object of the study is a forest area of 11 840 hectares in the Leningrad region. The results of aerial laser scanning are combined with the data of ground-based taxation. It is established that deviations in the accuracy of determining the composition, density, average height and diameter, stand and wood stock are within the limits of permissible standards. It is shown that due to the sufficient accuracy of aerial laser scanning, it can be used effectively at conducting a state forest inventory.
The work was carried out within the framework of the grant of the Mining University No. НИ-4-808-21 according to the scientific project “Scientific Incubator”.
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Kovyazin V.F., 
Pasko O.A., 
Lepikhina O.Y., 
Trushnikov V.E., 
(2022) Assessment of the forest land inventory accuracy using aerial laser scanning. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 83(6), pp. 54-63. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2022-984-6-54-63
Publication History
Received: 06.08.2021
Accepted: 27.05.2022
Published: 20.07.2022


2022 June DOI: