1 Voronin E.G.

Branch of JSC Space-and-Rocket Centre Progress – Science-and-Production Enterprise Optex

The issues of evaluating the results of solving inverse photogrammetry matters are considered. The necessary definitions are given and the key concepts of mathematical statistics theory important for equation calculations are given. The typical set of photogrammetric measurements was determined. The importance of the correct division of surveys into series of random variables within the weighted least squares method is noted. The indicators of the equalization accuracy by the remanent residuals of indirect measurements and by the elements of the covariance matrix of the equalized parameters are considered. It is shown that the accuracy estimate is insufficient for an objective representation of the found parameters proximity to the corresponding values that actually existed during the survey. It is indicated that the reliability of the parameters found can be assessed by an indicator of the statistical quality of the equalization. A brief conclusion of the analytical expression for this indicator is given. A modification of the statistical quality of equalization indicator adopted in geodesy and analytical photogrammetry, which provides for the use of the mean square error of the weight unit, is considered. The main factors influencing the improvement of equalization statistical quality are considered and brief recommendations aimed at achieving this goal are given. The different affecting the indicator of the mentioned statistical quality of direct and indirect measurements is theoretically justified.
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Voronin E.G., 
(2022) Statistical quality of solving inverse photogrammetry tasks. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 83(7), pp. 14-24. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2022-985-7-14-24
Publication History
Received: 05.07.2022
Accepted: 22.07.2022
Published: 20.08.2022


2022 July DOI: