1 Yankelevich S.S.
2 Kukharenko E.L.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

The article deals with substantiating the contents, structure and software implementation of the geospatial knowledge base. The importance and relevance of forming its infrastructure and the corresponding informational base on the territory in modern geoinformatics and cartography are noted. The requirements for the contents, formal and logical representation of the mentioned base, its structure and connections of the elements at the logical level are given. The authors consider the software implementation of the processes of searching and issuing geospatial knowledge in a visualized form at the request of untrained users in the field of geoinformatics and cartography. The requisitions and information on the special original software, which allows observing the contents of the geospatial knowledge base, are shown. The effectiveness of visualizing the geospatial knowledge base through interactive configuration of software elements is substantiated, based on the metadata principle proposed by the authors, two formalisms and an algorithm for creating corresponding services for geospatial knowledge and other related data. These formalisms of the client’s parameters and server software applications are described, a variant of the geospatial knowledge base structure is given, and the requirements for the necessary software for the effective solution of the task are formulated. The authors` solution is considered in the form of a complex of multicomponent software, used at working with geodata and creating their own interactive maps by poorly trained non-professional users
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Yankelevich S.S., 
Kukharenko E.L., 
(2024) Substantiating the contents, structure and software implementation of the territorial formations geospatial knowledge base. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 85(9), pp. 33-45. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2024-1011-9-33-45
Publication History
Received: 01.02.2024
Accepted: 13.09.2024
Published: 20.10.2024


2024 September DOI: