1 Zhurkin I.G.
2 Orlov P.Yu.
3 Gruzinov V.S.
4 Mineev A.N.

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)


National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University

Currently, there are no generally accepted algorithms for assessing, analyzing and forecasting the sustainable development of administrative-territorial units. The authors introduce the definition of this term, which implies the successful functioning of a human community over time carrying out economic activities without threats to its environment. Also, an analytical model for representation of its regional integrated indicator in the form of a vector with differential components, which characterize economic growth, environmental and social metrics, in a three-dimensional affine space, is proposed. Furthermore, we present a multiplicative criterion for assessing partial criteria of sustainable development efficiency and the basic expression for its parameters computation based on the set of economic, environmental and social ones, including such as the availability and quality of natural resources, regional labour resources, eco-factors, etc. The proposed vector model is based on the geoinformation approach and can be deployed within the framework of GIS of sustainable development for geo-analysis, modeling and mapping of natural resource potential and ecological state of intensively advancing territories, considering the dynamics of this process. Important properties of the geoinformation approach to assessing territorial entities’ forward growth, spatial and semantic scalability, are noted. In addition, the functional requirements and preliminary architecture of the core, modules, clients and layers of the related thematic geographic information system for the management, planning and forecasting the said indicator within the framework of digital economy are described
The research was carried out within the state assignment FSFE-2023-0005 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
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Zhurkin I.G., 
Orlov P.Yu., 
Gruzinov V.S., 
Mineev A.N., 
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