ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
Article Title | Pages |
To Germany for practice Mozer D.V., Kereibaeva M.N. |
43-44 |
Cartographic works on the territory of the Northern Urals in XIX - beginning of XX centuries Konovalova E.N., Roshchevskaya L.P., Zagorodnyuk N.I. |
45-50 |
Events chronology reflection by the example of the map “Byron. Life and creativity” Isaev I.A. |
51-54 |
63-th International book fair Pankin V.F. |
54-55 |
Extreme air temperatures maps in Russia and neighboring countries Karnatsevich I.V. |
56-58 |
Experience in map creation of mountain bison habitats in winter period (by thr example of Ushmirskaya basins of the Caucasus nature reserve) Alekseenko N.A., Kulikova O.Ya. |
18-22 |
On the possibilities of stereophoto survey from a ship Gelman R.N. |
22-28 |