ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
Article Title | Pages |
Navigational nautical charts: a retrospective view at information potentialVereschaka T.V., Gorevalova A.A. | 39-50 |
Application of open image databases at airborne image quality assessing for mapping purposesAnikeeva I.A. | 51-60 |
Self-regulation of cadastral activitiesSizov A.P. | 61-64 |
Methods of monitoring real estate objects using three-dimensional laser scanning in the specifics of urban landsGura D.A., Markovskii I.G., Pshidatok S.K. | 45-53 |
The method of using differential amendments to convert spatial rectangulars coordinates into those geodesic onesAfonin K.F. | 2-7 |