ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
Obidenko V.I. Prospects of using hybrid local coordinate systems based on SCS-2011 | 2-12 |
Loginov D.S. Methodological foundations for preparing a cartographic web service’s graphical user interface using geological exploration data | 13-28 | ||
Orlov M.Yu., Vereschaka T.V. Methods of assessing cartographic production | 29-38 | ||
Pyankov S.V., Bazhukova N.V., Konyshev E. V., Luchnikov A. S., Polyakova Y.R., Popova Yu. V., Sannikov P.Yu., Shikhov A.N. Development of a Multipurpose atlas of Perm city, RF | 39-48 |
Chernykh E.G., Merkurieva K.R. Creating a special software module to assess the territory’s spatial development indicators | 49-56 |
Kovyazin V.F., Nguyen T.A., Nguyen T.T. Monitoring the forest fund lands of Kon Tum province, Vietnam using remote sensing data of Earth | 57-64 |