1. The article must concern to one of the core scientific areas covered in the Journal:
• Ecology.
2. Article with figures and tables must be submitted in electronic format .doc, .docx, or .odt.
3. All the drawings placed in the text of the article shall also be enclosed as individual files in .tiff format with resolution of at least 300 dpi in original size. All the inscriptions and other indications in the figures shall be readable. If this rule is not followed, the article may be rejected or published without illustrations (in agreement with the authors).
4. In the article there shall be the following information in Russian and English:
• The Code Of The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC);
• The title of the article (consisting of not more than 90 symbols);
• The name(s) of the author(s) (in English – without abbreviations);
• The authors’ place of employment (formally adopted and abbreviated appellation);
• E-mail of the authors;
• The abstract containing the amount of 100 up to 250 words, describing the results following the logical order of the article and be informative (not contain general statements). The abstract in English should not be a literal translation of the Russian one. One of the versions of the abstract may be a short summary of the article’s structure in it consisting of the introduction, goals and objectives, methods, results and conclusion made explicitly or implicitly;
• keywords and phrases (separated by commas);
5. The acceptable volume of the article is up to 16 A4 pages, including tables, figures, and references. Headset - Times New Roman, font size - 12, interval - 1,5.
6. The rules of typing:
• No full stop at the end of the title and the subtitle;
• No full stop at the end of the caption, the title of the table and within it. In decimals commas are used instead of points;
•The indention is not made with the help of spaces, please, use the opportunity of the word processor for that;
• No space before the punctuation mark (except for double marks such as brackets, quotation marks). After the punctuation mark a space is required (if the mark is not at the end of a paragraph). A space is required on both sides of the dash (-). You do not need to do the same with the hyphen (-);
• A single space between words is required;
• The percentage sign (%) is used with corresponding numbers only. It is separated by a space (e.g. 3 %);
• The symbols of degrees (°), minutes (') and seconds (' ') are not separated from numbers (e.g. 10°15') ;
• The number (№) and paragraph sign (§) are used with the corresponding numbers only and separated by a space from them and from the rest of the text on both sides;
• Do not use hand-arranged word wrap. It is made automatically (Tools → Language → → Automatic hyphenation);
• Short dashes (-) and hyphens (-) must be distinguishable. The short dash can be typed using ALT + 0150 (i.e. sequential pressing 0, 1, 5, 0 on the numeric keypad while holding a key ALT);
• quotation marks must be the same ("") throughout the text of the article;
7. Design of tables:
• tables in the text should be performed in the Microsoft Word editor (neither scanned nor as a drawing);
• Each table should be numbered and have a title.
If there is the only table in the text, it is not numbered The number of the table and the caption is placed above the table. The headers of the tables are in bold type;
• tables shall not exceed the print area;
•The reference of the table shall be given in parentheses (Table. 1).
8. Design of illustrations:
• There shall be references of the figures in the article;
• Figures must have captions in Russian and English. Captions are typed in a text editor (Microsoft Word);
• If there is the single figure in the text it is not numbered;
• Captions can be replaced by numbers and the necessary explanations shall be given in the caption or in the text. All the words in the caption shall start with a capital letter;
• Latin letters are printed in italics, Russian and Greek, as well as numbers and mathematical symbols – in upright font;
• charts should be presented in a format .tiff (not created with the help of the drawing Microsoft Word);
• References to figures are given in parentheses (Fig. 1).
9. Formulae typing:
• In the article there shall be references to the formulae (only those formulas that are referenced in the text are numbered);
• Complex formulae are typed using MathType or Microsoft Word using Microsoft Equation;
• Latin letters are printed in italics, Russian and Greek, as well as numbers and mathematical symbols – in upright font;
• References to the formulae are given in parentheses (1).
10. Making a list of references:
• References shall be made in alphabetical order: first Russian then foreign sources are indicated.
• References shall be numbered.
• References are made in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003, GOST R 7.0.9.-2009.
• Standards, laws and regulations are not included in the references. Links to them are given in the text in the form of footnotes.
• A link to a list of references is given in square brackets [1].