Application # 5
to The Rules of reviewing scientific articles in the journal «Geodesy and Cartography»
Me, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Author’s full name)
Series ____________________ # ___________________________
Date of issue: _________________________________________________________
Issued by: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Date of birth: ______________________
Place of birth: ________________________________________________________________________
Home address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I agree to processing and using my personal data by the editorial staff of the journal «Geodesy and Cartography». The purpose of processing personal data concerns to the activities of the scientific journal «Geodesy and Cartography».
The list of personal data to be processed:
- Name, middle name, surname;,
- academic degree, academic status;
- information on the place of employment (appellation of the enterprise, location, position);
- date of birth;
- home address;
- contact phones and email address.
I am informed that processing of personal data includes:
- collecting, storage and publishing in the journal «Geodesy and Cartography», in its official website (, and the website of the electronic scientific library eLIBRARY ( also in other scientific libraries and bibliographic databases;
- collecting, storage and processing data necessary for the conclusion of license contracts with the author including: passport data, contact phone numbers, e-mail address (es);
- including these personal data in the Russian Scientific Citation Index (RINC) in accordance to the requirements of Higher Attestation Commission.
This allowance is valid from the date of its signing until the day of official withdrawal, if nothing else is fixed by federal laws.
«____» ______________ 20___ г. _____________________/ /
signature full name