1 Surnin Yu.V.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

The article highlighted incorrect use in geodetic practice in Russia of the terms «coordinate system» and «system of reference» in physics and mechanics, on the one hand, and in ephemeris astronomy and geodesy, on the other hand. It proposes the theoretical substantiation of correct use of the international terminology in relation to concepts such as «Reference System» and «Reference Frame» and the geometric components of these concepts such as «Coordinate System» and the «Coordinate Frame» in Russian geodetic practice. In accordance with the international concept of «Reference Frame», the terms «physical implementations of the world coordinate systems, of the reference coordinate systems and of the local coordinate systems», will correctly correspond to the «world coordinate frame», «reference coordinate frame» and the «local coordinate frame». The examples of the practical application of these terms to some incorrectly used names there are shown. So, for the geometric components of the mathematical models of the external gravitational field of the Earth «PZ-90 and WGS-84» it is necessary to use the terms «Coordinate frame PZ-90» and the «Coordinate frame WGS-84» instead of the terms «coordinate system PZ-90» and «coordinate system WGS-84». For the world and reference coordinate models of the Earth instead of the terms «Geocentric coordinate system 2011», «Coordinate system 1942» and «Coordinate system 1995» the terms «Geocentric coordinate frame 2011», «Coordinate frame 1942» and the «Coordinate frame 1995» should be used. It is suggested to revise existing geodetic standards for the purpose of concordance of the national terminology with international one.
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Surnin Yu.V., 
(2015) About the correct application of international terminology «Reference system» and «Reference frame» to the concepts of «Coordinate system» and «Coordinate frame» in Russian geodetic practice. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (8), pp. 2-9. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2015-902-8-2-9
Publication History
Received: 24.02.2015
Accepted: 25.05.2015
Published: 07.09.2015


2015 August DOI: