1 Razumov V.V.
2 Razumova N.V.
3 Tsadikovsky E.I.
4 Linkov A.D.

Russian Space Systems (Spacecorp), JSC

Article tells about the need to create complex system to monitor catastrophic natural phenomena (earthquakes, floods and forest fires) implementing complex of modern technologies and scientific and technical foundations on the ground and in space. It is given a description of basic approaches to hardware implementation of tasks for efficient collection and integrated near real time processing of maximum possible number of available natural phenomena indicators in order to form integral indexes of arising natural threats. We offer a list of perspective ways to create basic elements of the complex system for monitoring catastrophic natural phenomena using ground and space watch facilities. Main tasks to realize this ways are also given.
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Razumov V.V., 
Razumova N.V., 
Tsadikovsky E.I., 
Linkov A.D., 
(2015) About the problem of creating a complex system to monitor catastrophic natural phenomena on the base of using ground and space watch facilities. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (Special issue), pp. 88–93. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2015-88-93