1 Kuklina V.V.
2 Bogdanov V.N.

Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS

Geographical analysis of scientific communication is given in the article based on comparison of geographical distribution of the authors and their citations in English and Russian peer-reviewed journals. Despite the urgency of the problem of inclusion of Russian scientists in the international scientific community, studies of geography of scientific communication between Russian and foreign colleagues are poorly developed. As a model the geographic analysis of the articles with the keyword «periphery» is chosen as one of the main concepts in the World Geography. The databases of the Web of Science, ArticlesPlus, and Elibrary were used for the analysis. Because of evident peripheral location of the Russian articles in the Web of Science database the analysis of distribution of citations was based on wider data bases of ArticlesPlus and Elibrary. It was noted that the articles in English follow the trends described above, while in the Russian papers the native specificity was distinguished by centralized arrangement of space, as well as by close connections with the neighboring countries. As a result, it was concluded that the peripheral location of the Russian geographic articles is associated not only with the language barrier, but also with the limited number of citations in the Russian articles. The practical implications of the articles are related to the prospects of creating an application that would make geographical maps of citation networks based on the given key words or the names of the authors.
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Kuklina V.V., 
Bogdanov V.N., 
(2017) Geographical analysis of citations in English and Russian scientific journals on example of geographical studies of periphery. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(4), pp. 19-25. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-922-4-19-25
Publication History
Received: 16.06.2016
Accepted: 01.02.2017
Published: 19.05.2017


2017 April DOI: