ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
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4. Neiman Yu. M., Sugaipova L. S. Sfericheskie funktsii i ikh primenenie v geodezii: Ucheb. Posobie. Moskva: MIIGAiK, 2005, 82 p. |
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8. De Santis A., Falcone C. (1995) Spherical cap models of Laplacian potentials and general fields. Geodetic Theory Today, no. 114, pp. 141–150. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-79824-5_25. |
9. Haines G. (1985) Spherical cap harmonic analysis of geomagnetic secular variation over Canada 1960–1983. Journal of Geophysical Research, no. 90, B14, pp. 12563–12574. DOI: 10.1029/JB090IB14P12563. |
10. Haines G. (1991) Power spectra of sub-periodic functions. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, no. 65, pp. 231–247. |
11. Pavon-Carrasco F. J. Modelización regional del campo geomagnético en Europa para los últimos 8000 años y desarrollo de aplicaciones. URL: (accessed: 10.01.2024). |
12. Thebault E., Schott J. J., Mandea M. (2006) Revised spherical cap harmonic analysis (R-SCHA): Validation and properties. Journal of Geophysical Research, no. 111, B1, DOI: 10.1029/2005JB003836. |
13. Torta Miquel J. (2020) Modelling by Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis: A Literature Review. Surveys in Geophysics, no. 41, pp. 201–247. DOI: 10.1007/s10712-019-09576-2. |
14. Younis G. Regional Gravity Field Modeling with Adjusted Spherical Cap Harmonics in an Integrated Approach. URL: (accessed: 10.01.2024). |
(2024) A system of spherical functions orthogonal in the local segment of the sphere. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 85(4), pp. 2-9. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2024-1006-4-2-9 |