1 Chernov A.V.
2 Gorobtsov S.R.
3 Altyntsev M.A.
4 Kharazian A.A.
5 Gogolev D.V.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

In the context of increased urbanization and limited land resources, the efficient vertical planning (including underground and airspace) of the territory, taking into account the existing edifices, as well as the design of new facilities to provide the population with the necessary housing (apartment blocks), is of key importance. Implementation of this tendency is impossible without description of the area with metric 3D models (information ones), which should also be reflected in the master plans of real estate objects (in the design of new buildings). The authors provide practical research on selecting optimal methods of getting information and processing it to form a 3D model of capital construction projects (using the example of an apartment block with protruding structures). For obtaining the data (x, y, H) on the position of the real estate object in space, it is proposed to use a combined or photogrammetric method (depending on the specific survey conditions). The authors also concluded the necessity of improving the legal framework regarding the data format for 3D modeling of real estate using domestic (RF) software
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Chernov A.V., 
Gorobtsov S.R., 
Altyntsev M.A., 
Kharazian A.A., 
Gogolev D.V., 
(2024) Analyzing methods of obtaining and processing data for forming a real estate property master plan`s 3D model. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 85(4), pp. 30-40. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2024-1006-4-30-40