ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
Практическая картография. Методы (технология) картографических работ. |
Article Title | Pages |
Compilation of digital topographic maps with the use of the information software complex "Compilation-C" (Digital Compilation)Prokhorovskaya N.V. | 50–58 |
The technique of three-dimensional modeling of earth's surfaceNguyen A.T., Dao Huu Si | 38-41 |
Geoinformation monitoring of water use in the basin of Lake BaikalBeshentsev A.N., Tsibudeeva D.C. | 41-47 |
Cartographic monitoring of the cross- border socio-economic processesBeshentsev A.N., Darbalaeva D.A., Tsyrenzhapova U.V. | 33-38 |
GIS-mapping of the Tunkinskaya hollow landscapes based on factor-dynamic classification methodIstomina E.A. | 32–39 |