Program-target approach to the interaction information the system of state topographic monitoring and the federal found for spatial data (part 1)Brovko E.A., Galazin E.V. |
10-19 |
Investigation and mapping of the ecological-biochemical state of soils in the city of BratskNaprasnikova E.V., Istomina E.A. |
20-26 |
Up-to-date approaches towards the technology of creation and updating state and topographic maps and plansKarimova A.A. |
27-36 |
Mapping of electoral phenomena (according to the materials of the elections to the state Duma of the Russian Federation in 2016)Popov P.L., Tcherenev A.A., Galyos D.A., Saraev V.G. |
37-44 |