ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
1. Shkurov F.V. O problemah i zadachah vosproizvodstva chelovecheskogo kapitala kartografo-geodezicheskoj otrasli. Geoprofi, 2014, no. 5, pp. 4–8. |
2. Vasiliev I.V., Korobov A.V., Pobedinskiy G.G. (2015) Main directions of the topography, geodesy and cartography branch development in the Russian Federation. Geodezia i Kartografia, (3), pp. 2-13. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2015-897-3-2-13. |
(2015) The training system in order to implement the Strategy of surveying and mapping coverage of the Russian Federation. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 76(Special issue), pp. 26–31. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2015-26-31 |