1 Litvinov N.Yu.

Center of Geodesy, Cartography and SDI

The author examines the visibility of the scientific content from the journal and outside sources in the Internet posted on the website of the journals using the webometric method and comparative analysis. One of the indirect signs of insufficient visibility of Russian scientific content for Russian authors is the number of self-citations. Author analyzed the traffic sources of the studied site, the indexing of the following sites: “Vestnik SSUGT”, “Geodezia i Kartografia”, “Izvestiya Vuzov “Geodesy and aerophotosurveying” by the main search engines, as well as the positions of these journals in the search results for low-frequency queries, entry points to the pages of scientific content from Yandex and Google, the volume of viewing and citation of the mentioned content taken into account in the scientific electronic library elibrary.ru (RSCI) and Scopus. The visibility of outside sources on the website of the journal “Geodesy and Cartography” in the Internet and its impact on the amount of citations of scientific content in the journal is estimated. It is established that the availability of scientific articles’ metadata on several resources contributes to increasing their visibility in search results, and, hence, the probability of subsequent citation increases, which fully complies with the Open Access policy and CC-BY independent licensing.



The author expresses his gratitude to the reviewers for valuable advice and comments that have significantly improved the quality of the article.
OPEN ACCESS. Full-text article: 
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Litvinov N.Yu., 
(2021) Analyzing the scientific content visibility of the repository posted on the website of the journal “Geodezia i Kartografia” in the Internet. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 82(7), pp. 56-64. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2021-973-7-56-64
Publication History
Received: 12.07.2021
Accepted: 26.07.2021
Published: 20.08.2021


2021 July DOI: