ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
Article Title | Pages |
Magistrands of Karaganda State Technical University over practical education held in Germany using DAAD program Mozer D.V., Isainova G.O., Karaneeva A.D. |
55-58 |
Principles of cartographic skill accumulation and spatial competence at training specialists in the field of touring business Shevchenko R.Ju. |
57-63 |
Training engineers of space geodesy in the MIIGAiK Savinikh V.P., Krasnorylov I.I., Shlapak V.V. |
30-34 |
Virtual thematic globe. Introduction of geoinformation technologies in school cartography Medvedev A.A., Alekseenko N.A. |
57-61 |
Of some aspects of elaboration of the scheme of territorial planning the Russian Federation in the field if high professional education Maiorov A.A., Shkurov F.V., Dubov S.S., Levina N.I. |
53-57 |
The integration of the form of training in pedagogical and educational process Kamynina N.S., Gordeev Yu.S. |
48-50 |
Student scientific conference, dedicated to the 110-th anniversary of G. A. Fedoseev Safonov A.Ya., Shumaev K.N. |
61-64 |