ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
Tolchelnikova S.A. Substantiation of a new method for determination the average motion of the pole and observation stations | 3-11 | ||
Matveev A.S. Cybernetic navigation system based on the known motion trajectories | 12-13 |
Beshentsev A.N. Natural resources cartographic monitoring | 14-18 | ||
Cherkashin A.K., Krasnoshtanova N.E. Theoretical cartography and theory of natural risks evaluation maps creation | 18–23 |
Igonin A.I Methodological aspects of studying spatial patterns of demographic development using GIS | 33-37 |
Dolgikh I.A., Kravets E.A. Methodological approaches to setting priorities for species protection listed in the Red Book of Russia at federal and regional levels | 38-42 |
Karnatsevich I.V. Extreme air temperatures maps in Russia and its neighboring countries | 42-44 |
Kravchenko Yu.A. On problem solution of geoinformation treatment intensification | 45-51 |
Balandin V.N. Useful tutorial on modern hydrography | 51-53 |
Serebryakova L.I., Pikalov O.O. Some information about geodynamics for surveyors | 53-57 |
Peterova N.G. Last alignment of Big Pulkovo Radiotelescope | 60-62 |