
Shendrik N.K. Possibility to use the points of International Geodynamic net in ITRF system for geodetic guaranty of the territory of Novosibirsk oblast 2-5
Kovaleva O.V. History and technological view of methods and ways of presentation the relief on the maps. Universal methods of relief presentation. The methods used on electronic maps 6-10
Aerophototopography (Aerial Surveying And Photogrammetry)
Kravtsovа V.I. Study and cartography of landscape and morphology structure of Anapa send drifts using space photos of a high resolution 11-20
Shirokova T.A., Antipov A.V. Methodology of creating three-dimension realistic scenes of town territories using areal laser scanning data 21-26
Karpukhin S.S., Belousov S.K. Nature and industrial area zoning of Russian Arctic for creation of complex space GIS-atlas 27-32
Geographic Information Systems
Kondratieva G.A. Geoinformation systems for the aim of ecological monitoring the specially preserve natural territories 33-38
Novakovskiy B.A., Prasolova A.I., Kargashin P.E., Kuzhanov D.A. Geoinformation module for accounting and cartography of accident rates at oil main pipelines 39-44
Karpik A.P., Lamert D.A., Obidenko V.I. Realization of «Road map»: ways to rise quality of spatial description of objects of State cadastre of real estate 45-49
Tolchelnikova S.A. To the 150 Jubilee of A.N. Krylov 50-52
Manpower training
Maiorov A.A., Shkurov F.V., Dubov S.S., Levina N.I. Of some aspects of elaboration of the scheme of territorial planning the Russian Federation in the field if high professional education 53-57
Pictures of history
Gavrilov J.V. Koldaev Peter Konstantinovich 58-60