ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
Article Title | Pages |
State topographic monitoring: geospatial-and-informational potential and ways of implementationBrovko E.A., Vereschaka T.V. | 21-31 |
Geoecological analysis of the Russian Federation regions representation in the state program “Environmental Protection”Kravets E.A. | 47-53 |
Russian geographical names on the map of Аntarctica as a cultural heritage site. To the 200th anniversary of the discovery of AntarcticaElchaninov A.I. | 54-64 |
Aerial photography of the water areaPavlov V.I. | 18-24 |
Reviewing the development of geodynamics and geodesic methods for solving geodynamic tasksMazurov B.T., Kaftan V.I. | 25-39 |
Everyday training at Moscow College of Geodesy and CartographyAbubakarova D.I. | 57-64 |